
Being ill

I have been ill these days so that's why i haven't posted anything...
today i still feel ill... but at least i wanted to update this.
Here is another idea to post about: football
well, i will start with my notebook again. I had a notebook to write stupid ideas, copy sentences, draw... I will continue it from now on... hope to do something good and post it here.
Well, I will go to lay again.

Listening: music from the street
Mood: rather sad, feeling ill
Doing: waiting



I hate lies... why everybody has lied at least once?
Isn't it pointless?

Listening: tv
Mood: thinking... annoyed... confussed
Doing: chatting on msn

22nd August

Well, it is already 23rd, but i didn't find time until now... and it is 2 am...
I'm really sleepy... I will go to bed as soon as I finish this.
I just want to say that today was a special day. I got emotional and I loved it.
Thank you for all.

Listening: nothing, but having poker face by lady gaga on my mind
Mood: tired and emotional
Doing: waiting to go to sleep and thinking about a special someone


It's friday...

... and I have to study :(
People go out on fridays... i have been out this morning, in a museum... I have loved it, but now I am alone at home and I feel lonely because people is calling me to go out tonight and I am saying no :(
I was waiting for someone whose plans where to stay at home too, so at least chatting to him would have made my study time shorter, but no, he must be busy and I am staring at the phone waiting for a message that I doubt I will get and at the same time asking myself why I am not calling him when I die to talk to him just to check how is his day going... but maybe I disturb him, maybe he is busy with his friends, so maybe I shouldn't call...
why is it so hard to make such a simple decision?
I think I won't call and that way I can focuse on my studies properly... I only have 10 days left and I am starting to panic :S

Listening: We belong together - Mariah Carey
Mood: feeling lonely and bored but ok
Doing: studying American history *yawn*


Ideas to write about

- Does real love exist?
- Marriage
- Education
- Television
- Realities
- Fashions
- Music

Listening: nothing
Mood: not really happy, not really sad, just thinking
Doing: thinking like mad and chatting on msn



Today is all about memories in my life... and I think it will last a few days more... sigh...

Listening: the cars on the street through the living room window
Mood: rather sad :( not in the mood to do anything
Doing: staring at the wall


One more day... one more post

Well, today I haven't got anythin in mind to write about, but I have been thinking and I decided that I'll post everyday, although it is just a line.
I can think about a million topics I would like to write about, but I havent planned anything, so I don't want to write something really bad and then regret it.
There is a question on my mind. Yesterday I wrote about feelings and how hard it is for some people to show them. But what's up when you show a feeling and then you feel the opposite?
I don't know.
Someone told me his/her feelings a few days before, and not he/she shows another ones, opposite ones... but she/he is not brave enough to say "sorry, I was wrong" or "I changed my mind about it" or just tell me the feelings and I get the meaning by myself. Sometimes it is black and then next minute it is white, but when I ask "is it black or white?" all I get is "ssshhh, don't worry". What? Don't worry? I DO worry: you say something, you show another one, then you get quiet, then you pretend nothing happened... what is all this about? I don't know.
Isn't it better to be honest? things can change and everyone makes mistakes, so wouldn't be easier just to be honest about it all?

Listening: Katy Perry - Hot n Cold
Mood: Calmed and confused
Doing: Trying to study American culture


Why is it so hard to show our feelings?

This is something I have been asking myself during ages.
It's amazing how things can go wrong because we don't show our feelings to the people around us. I don't only mean saying our feelings directly but showing them in any way. For example, to show love you don't need to say "I love you", you can kiss the person you love, hug that person or just look at the other's eyes. It seems so simple while I type here, but the truth is that it is not so simple for everyone. Why? I don't know.
But it is not only about love. It is about every feeling. Sometimes we miss a person like mad but we don't find the moment or we are not brave enough to take the phone and just say: "I miss you".
I think the world, or at least the personal relationships, could be better if we show our feelings.
Don't you know someone that has lost his/her love because they don't say "I love you" to the other? Don't you know someone that regrets not saying "I'll miss you" before someone died? Don't you know someone who regrets not holding someone's hand just because she/he "didn't find the right moment?
I think we should say these kind of things every day, like if tomorrow we weren't going to have the chance to do it.
Life is too short to be hiding feelings, and more when we can lose the opportunity to show them and never have it again.


The beginning

Everything has a beginning and this is the beginning of this blog.
The song I posted before by the Beatles is a meaning of the title of the blog.
I am a 20ish years old girl that doesn't feel like fitting in this world.
I think there is so much to change, so much to improve, so I'll post my thoughts here to see if there is someone sharing them, to see if i can change not the world but at least some thoughts in people.
I don't try to persuade anyone, I just try to express my point of view and discuss it.
Thanks for reading and feel free to comment whatever.

Nowhere Man

He's a real nowhere Man,
Sitting in his Nowhere Land,
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody.
Doesn't kave a point of view,
Knows not where he's going to,
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere Man, please listen,
You don't know what you're missing,
Nowhere Man, the world is at your command.
He's as blind as he can be,
Just sees what he wants to see,
Nowhere Man can you see me at all?
Doesn't kave a point of view,
Knows not where he's going to,
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere Man, don't worry,
Take your time, don't hurry,
Leave it all till somebody else lend you a hand.
He's a real Nowhere Man,
Sitting in his Nowhere Land,
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody